

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I'm back........again

Ok it's been about a month since I last posted a blog. Life has once again taken over and everything I have wanted to do and all my 'me' time has been put on hold. 

I started working longer hours to help me save for a holiday to the UK a nd also to help fund my new cooking business venture. I am still enjoying my job and the beautiful people I work with but I'm just finding it hard to get some of that 'me' time. 
I have had lots of orders start coming in for my baking business which has been so good for me. I'm looking forward to building it up more. There are so many things like blogging, story writing, knitting, sightseeing, holidays, reading etc that I just can't seem to find time for now. 

The next few weeks I'm going to try really hard to spend more of my time on me, some relaxing things, more family time, exploring the great wide world. I may even try and start crossing some things off of my bucket list too. 

Watch this space as Liane is back and ready to take on the world.......but first, some sleep is needed. 


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